
Art and/or Craft?
General Chris Terepin General Chris Terepin

Art and/or Craft?

I once had a really interesting conversation with instrument maker Marc Soubeyran, in which he insisted that making instruments was a craft, and demonstrably not an art. String instruments are primarily tools: they have a job to do, and if they aren’t made a certain way they just don’t work well enough to do that job properly. And this got me thinking…

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Domesticating the Microphone
General Chris Terepin General Chris Terepin

Domesticating the Microphone

If there’s one tiny positive to have come out of the recent disruption, it might be that many classical musicians are becoming more independent, as many people dip a toe into the world of microphones and audio editing/mixing. What with one thing and another, the only way for many of us to carry on doing our thing has been to get competent at using gear on our own, often remotely in combination with other people…

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Music and Football (II) - Representation
General Chris Terepin General Chris Terepin

Music and Football (II) - Representation

To people who aren’t interested in football, the way the initiates talk about it can seem completely full of meaningless jargon. How can it possibly be this complicated, all for the sake of putting a ball in a net at either end of a field? I love it, but it does undoubtedly seem pretty hilarious when people say things like “United will never get anywhere playing 5-3-2 without a genuine box-to-box engine in the midfield, and wing-backs who cut inside far too often. They keep getting too narrow so there’s no service to the lads up top.” I’ve made it up, obviously, but it makes sense - that is, unless it doesn’t.

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Music and Football (I) - Empathy
General Chris Terepin General Chris Terepin

Music and Football (I) - Empathy

I’ve always been a football fan, increasingly just of the game itself rather than of my hometown team. (Plenty of classical musicians are. Judging by common media portrayals this seems unlikely, but I can assure you there are a fair few of us!) The more I think about the two domains, the more I’m convinced that there’s something deeply similar about them. Of course, in an ideal world music would have nothing at all to do with competition - Bela Bartok’s ‘competitions are for horses’ remark has always struck a chord with me…

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chasing tails